Social Media Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Protect the Company’s reputation in relation to social media usage.
- Ensure that all social media content referencing the Company is consistent and in line with the Company’s Confidentiality, Continuous Disclosure and Securities Trading policies.
- Establish clear guidelines for professional use of social media on behalf of the Company as well as personal use of social media when referencing the Company.
This policy is for the mutual protection of the Company and its employees and is not intended to prevent, discourage, or unduly limit employees’ expression of opinion or online activities.
This policy applies to:
- All Evolution Mining employees, contractors, and service providers (“You”, “you” or “your”)
- Any use of social media where you are identified, or could reasonably be identified as an employee of, or contractor or service provider to, the Company.
- All forms of social media, inclusive of personal social media accounts and Company social media accounts, including but not limited to social networking sites, instant messaging, Company and other professional networking tools, media sites hosting articles with comments, blogging sites, online forums and discussion boards, and photo and video sharing sites.
- This policy does not apply to employees’ personal use of social media applications where there is no nexus or connection to the Company. For the purposes of this policy, a nexus or connection to the Company includes the Company’s activities, products and services, employees, competitors and/or other individuals or organisations related to the Company.
You are personally responsible for the content you publish online and should be aware of the effect your actions may have or are likely to have on your reputation, the Company’s reputation, or the reputation of its stakeholders. You should be mindful that posts may be read by people from a variety of backgrounds who may not share your opinion, perspective, or communication style.
You must ensure you understand how to properly operate social media applications, including privacy settings. Claims of ignorance will not excuse any contraventions of this policy.
Any information posted or published on social media should be treated as publicly available information.
4.1. Only authorised employees identified by the General Manager Communications and Corporate Affairs can post content on behalf of the Company, or respond to content on behalf of the Company, on social media. Company-related social media accounts are not to be created without the prior written authorisation from the General Manager Communications and Corporate Affairs.
4.2. When using social media in reference to the Company, its employees or stakeholders, whether on personal social media accounts or Company social media accounts, you must adhere to the Company’s Values, Policies, Standards and Procedures, including but not limited to the Confidentiality, Code of Conduct and the IT Acceptable Use Policies. You must not post material that is, or which may reasonably be perceived to be, inappropriate or harmful to the Company, its reputation, its employees or any of its stakeholders. This does not preclude you from tagging the Company when attending work-related and industry events.
4.3. Some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include, but are not limited to, posting commentary, content, or images that are unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, bullying, embarrassing, defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, discriminatory, personally insulting, profane (whether obfuscated by symbols or not), ethnic slurs or content that may create a hostile work environment or negatively affect the Company’s reputation or relationship with its stakeholders.
4.4. You must not publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not publicly available information. This includes information regarding the Company’s operations, business, clients, services, prices, financial position, financial results, security or activities. If you have questions about what is considered confidential, you should consult with the Company Secretary, the General Manager Communications and Corporate Affairs or the General Manager Investor Relations.
4.5. When making comments on personal social media accounts that relate to the Company or to the type of activities the Company undertakes, you must make it clear that you are expressing your own personal views so that your comments are not perceived to be made on behalf of the Company. You must not use your Company email address or Company logo or insignia that may give a misleading impression of the Company’s endorsement or support of your personal comments.
4.6. You must not use social media to publicly complain about your employment, or any work-related matter as the appropriate process for resolving such complaints is through discussions with your manager, or via the Company’s Workplace issue resolution process under the Raising a Complaint Policy.
4.7. You must ensure that information you present about the Company, its services and activities, are factually correct and accurate. If information is inaccurate, you must take action to ensure it is corrected.
4.8. You must request and obtain appropriate permission from the Company Secretary or the General Manager Communications and Corporate Affairs before any reference is made to, or images are posted of, current or former employees, contractors, service providers or local community stakeholders. Additionally, appropriate permission must be obtained to use a third party’s copyright, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
4.9. You must immediately report any breaches of this policy to your People and Culture representative or your General Manager.
4.10. Subject to applicable law, any online activity that breaches this Policy, the Company’s Code of Conduct or any other Company policy may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The Company may also direct you to remove any commentary, content or images posted that contravenes any Company policy.
Social Media Policy
Version Control: | 2.0 |
Issued: | 30/11/2023 |
Review Date: | 30/11/2024 |
Owner: | Company Secretary & VP IT, Communication and Corporate Affairs |
Approver: | Chief Executive Officer |