Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to Directors and employees of Evolution Mining Limited (Evolution) and its subsidiaries, and contractors and consultants in the course of carrying out work on behalf of Evolution.
Employees and service providers when conducting business and dealing with customers, colleagues and other stakeholders, are to:
- Act with integrity, professionalism and be scrupulous in the use of company information, funds, equipment and facilities;
- Exercise fairness, equity, courtesy, consideration and sensitivity in dealing with customers, employees and other stakeholders;
- Avoid real or apparent conflict of interests;
- Promote the interests of the company;
- Perform their duties with skill, honesty, care and diligence, using authority in a fair and equitable manner;
- Abide by the policies and procedures, instructions and lawful directions that relate to their employment and duties; and
- Comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the code of conduct.
Employees must never engage in actions or behaviours that entail harassment or bullying.
Harassment is an unwelcome action, conduct or behaviour that a reasonable person would find unwelcome, humiliating, intimidating or offensive.
Bullying is a repeated behaviour directed towards an individual or group of individuals that is unreasonable and creates a risk to health and safety.
Information obtained in the course of employment must not be used or disclosed to obtain financial reward or benefit, or to take advantage of another person.
Unless governed by law or otherwise agreed in writing, any intellectual property developed by an employee during or as a result of employment with Evolution is the sole property of Evolution.
Evolution operates in close proximity to, and with the co-operation and consent of its local communities. In securing the cooperation of the communities within which it operates, Evolution has undertaken that all of its employees, whether employed by Evolution or by a contractor firm engaged by Evolution, will respect and uphold the values of Evolution local communities.
Employees and contractors when interacting with the local communities are to:
- Demonstrate respect and courtesy towards each other and members of the local communities;
- Not practice abusive, offensive, hostile or aggressive behaviour or use language that may cause offence;
- Cause no damage to community owned or private facilities that through their employment by Evolution or a contractor to Evolution, they are privileged to use;
- Abide by all laws, rules and regulations of the community and the State;
- Generally avoid any behaviour that could harm Evolution’s reputation or relationship with its local communities.
Employees must avoid personal, financial or other interest which may be in conflict with their duties and responsibilities to the company.
Any interest which may constitute a conflict of interest must be promptly disclosed to your direct manager or an appropriate senior manager.
Accepting any external appointment, such as a board appointment (other than to the board of a non trading family company), working for another organisation, or conducting a business is not permitted without the written permission of the Executive Chairman, or in the case of the Executive Chairman, the Board.
Bribery & Corruption
Employees must not offer, promise, give, demand or accept any undue advantage, whether directly or indirectly, to or from:
- A public official
- A political candidate, party or party official
- A community leader or other person in a position of public trust
- Any private sector employee in order to obtain, retain or direct business or to secure any other improper advantage in the conduct of business.
Employees must ensure all transactions in company shares comply with the law and Evolution Security Trading Policy in this regard.
Company property, funds, tools, equipment, vehicles, facilities and services must be used only for authorised purposes.
The company’s relationships with the media and the investment community are to be conducted exclusively by the Executive Chairman, or as delegated by the Executive Chairman.
Employees and contractors are not authorised or permitted to act as official spokesmen or to comment to the media or in any social media on behalf of the Company.
Gifts should never be offered or accepted in circumstances where the outcome of a transaction may be influenced or give rise to the perception that the transaction may be influenced by the gift.
Gifts, invitations involving travel and accommodation and entertainment reasonably estimated to be in excess of a value of $150 must be disclosed to your manager for authorisation.
Employees have a duty to observe this Code and ensure that no breaches occur.
Employees have a duty to report known or suspected breaches of this Code.
Any employee, who in good faith makes a complaint or disclosure about an alleged breach of the code, will not be disadvantaged or prejudiced in the making of such a complaint or disclosure.All reports will be treated as confidential.
Employees found to be in breach of Evolution Mining’s Code of Conduct will face disciplinary action, and where warranted, dismissal.
If you are unsure as to what behaviour may constitute a breach of this Code, please consult your immediate supervisor or manager for advice.